Belmonte on the television


On the day of the recording, it was freezing in Belmonte….

The Belmonte Arboretum is frequently used as background for interviews, for activities and weddings. On this occasion, however, Belmonte could show herself to the public.  Dedde Smid, director of the garden, acted as guide in a tour round the garden, and this time, he could accentuate its rich history. The item was televised in Binnenste Buiten, NPO2, KRO-NCRV. A subsequent item will be recorded in the summer and will have as its subject the beautiful collections and their maintance.  If you wish to view the programme, you can still do so with “Uitzending gemist”!

Registered Museum

Today, we were informed that the Belmonte Arboretum has again been designated as a Registered Museum for the next five years. The rich collections (not on the walls, but in the  ground), the way we take care of them and tell the stories of plants, trees, and shrubs to the public, were reason enough to make the Museumregister form a positive judgment. To us, this means our work is hugely appreciated, as well as the way we manage things.

Looking for volunteers

Maintaining our beautiful garden requires money. Therefore, we offer the opportunity to organize small scale activities in the ‘Koetshuis’ such as meetings, workshops or parties and weddings. To assist these events, we are  looking for voluteers, people who like to help carrying out the work, but also  someone who is willing to take up the coordination.

It’s a great job, it’s a people’s job! And you have to admit, what could be more fun than combining our efforts to conserve and preserve this lovely garden.

For information,  find “Contact” on our website and tell us what your interests are.